Cholestasys has changed my cholesterol balance! Before the use of Cholestasys, my cholesterol was 210-220. After three to six months and taking another blood test, my cholesterol dropped below 200.
Now after taking Cholestasys for over one year my cholesterol balance is consistently 186 - 190. Say good bye to any of those nasty side effects of what you're taking now. Eat smart, exercise, and take Cholestasys!
- George S,
(NJ) 09/17/2008
My annual physical checkup in March 2006 was very good, except that my cholesterol numbers were a bit high at 231 with the LDL number, of course, the higher of the two.
This did surprise me as I am a very physically active person and not overweight, at 5 foot, 2 inches and 110 pounds. I figured this was a genetic problem. My cardio workouts are quite intense (boot camp style & martial arts) and I also play 6 hours of volleyball most weeks. However, my diet was ANYTHING. I did not discriminate against fats or carbs.
I do now. My diet is much leaner on the fats. Peanuts, ice cream and cheese are now special treats instead of daily fares. Not a pill taker, I did not want to begin statins or anything else in the same chemical family. So I began the Cholestasys regimen.
For my weight, I took two Cholestasys daily at 12 hours apart. It took a couple of months before I could really tell any difference; I felt better, had more energy and greater flexibility. My next annual physical report, in 2007, was much better.
My numbers were below 200 with the LDL dropping 21 points. My doctor, who has known me for years, told me to continue taking the Cholestasys because she felt the small diet change alone would not have made this much of a difference. So now, I've been on the Cholestasys for almost 2 years and have never felt better. I can't wait to see what the (cholesterol) results will be of my 2009 physical.
- Dixie,
(PA) 12/05/2008