"I tried eliminating wheat and milk . . ."

For about the last two years I have been troubled with sinus drainage. It was most annoying to always be coughing. In fact, at our grandson's graduation, my son said, "Mom, try not to cough."

I felt it was due to something I was eating so I tried eliminating wheat and milk from my diet. It never really cured it, and I wasn't sure how much it helped. One day I decided to go on the computer and search out something "natural" for allergens. I came across Claritose.

After reading about it, I decided to try my first bottle and take as directed. I was pleasantly surprised! Claritose has helped me so much. I plan to stay on it indefinitely.

- Norma J, (MI) 10/09/2008

"No more scratchy throat, sinus drainage, watery eyes, or difficulty breathing!"

Hello to all allergen sufferers out there. I am 38 years old and a year ago the doctor wanted to put me on allergen chemicals taken everyday. I did not want the side effects and the staying drowsy, so I wanted to find a natural alternative.

On surfing the Internet, I came across Claritose. I ordered three bottles the first time and it is absolutely amazing! No more scratchy throat, sinus drainage, watery eyes, or difficulty breathing. I stopped using it for about three days and my signs came right back.

The next time ordering I ordered six months supply. I have ordered again another four months supply. I truly believe in Claritose and will not be without it again!

- Tammy H, (MS) 10/13/2008