"I cannot rate Licenex highly enough . . ."

We have serious problems here in the UK with lice building up tolerance levels to the overused remedies. I foster an African little girl and she caught head lice at school. As you can imagine it was a nightmare, we used all the traditional methods but they all involved using a nit comb and that was totally out of the question due to the African hair type.

Your product was recommended by my sister who stays in Dallas, Texas. It arrived within days and we used it the same night. Problem SOLVED and thankfully we have never had the problem again. I cannot rate Licenex highly enough especially for African hair as anyone who knows will agree a nit comb is totally out of the question. Well done, you should start to promote this product in the UK, I'm certain it would be a huge success. Many thanks.

- Margaret M, (Scotland) 08/21/2008

"Not only does Licenex work for head lice, it relieves stress."

I would just like to say thank you for your GREAT product. My daughter brought home head lice from her school right before summer break. I did not find out that someone in her room had head lice until weeks later.

By this time she had them so bad I was going crazy. We tried everything. I was at my wits end, until one day just by chance I typed in head lice on my search bar. You all popped up and I thought what have I got to lose. I have washed her hair twice and all bed linens in your product. This is the best thing ever.

I actually work at the school in a 4 year old class and from time to time we run into this same problem. So now when parents don't know what to do I will for sure tell them about your product and your website. Not only does your product work for head lice but it relieves stress. Thank you.

- Angie H, (TN) 07/08/2008