"I took Black Cohosh, but saw no change."

I have been using Menopol since the beginning of this year and it made a difference in my life in just a matter of days. I started having signs of menopause in October last year, and was suffering from hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin, and other typical menopausal symptoms. After taking Menopol for three days, I realised I had not had a hot flash one evening. I thought it was coincidence, but then I had no hot flashes the next day and the next . . . Then the night sweats stopped, I would say within a week.

Menopol has worked wonders for me, and I would be devastated if it were no longer available. For two months before I started Menopol, I took black cohosh, but saw no change in my symptoms. Not only is the product good, but the staff at MicroNutra Health have been great and very helpful.

- Gill, (United Kingdom) 04/09/2008

"I was at my breaking point."

I cannot thank you enough for your Menopol product! For most of my adult years I have lived an active and extremely healthful life. But after three years of hot flashes and trying every over-the-counter supplement (following their instructions precisely and being patient with their stated results) I was at my breaking point.

My husband felt so helpless, but somehow he found your website and shared with me the write-up of your Menopol product. He eagerly ordered four bottles and had them rush delivered so they would arrive before we left for vacation. I followed the recommended serving size, and to my - and my husband's! - relief, I noticed results in just two days.

No frustrated whimpering while hot-flashing on this trip, or any time since then! We were once neglectful in reordering when I ran low; the hot flashes returned (only mildly) after a week. When I received my order I continued with the recommended serving size and felt better in about two days.

I feel fabulous - less stressed, no hot flashes, no night sweats, better all around. And yes, my husband is happier now, too. I would recommend this product to all menopausal women. Menopol has saved my and my husband's sanity. Thank you MicroNutra and thank you Menopol!

- Lynette R, (CA) 09/28/2008