"I've used Prolipamy for over two years . . ."

I started having occasional abdominal symptoms seven years ago. Suddenly, many foods would cause me abdominal discomfort from trapped gas due to incomplete or inadequate digestion. At times it would be so bad that I would have to stay in bed for up to two days.

I consulted several physicians and a naturopath but nothing worked for me. Finally, a non-medical friend of mine speculated that I should try to restore some balance to my digestive system by adding pancreatic enzymes to my diet.

In researching which product to use I concluded that Prolipamy probably offered the most complete formula and have not been disappointed. My abdominal discomfort due to trapped gas, caused by incomplete digestion of food, is completely gone and I can enjoy most foods again. I have used Prolipamy for over two years and would not want to be without it for a single day. My present doctor said she was glad that I found something that worked for me.

- Amanda G, (MI) 10/01/2008

"Having tried other digestive enzymes,
I was skeptical."

I started using Prolipamy a couple of years ago when it was sent as a freebie with another product I ordered. Having tried other digestive enzymes with unpleasant side effects, I was skeptical. However, I found very good relief from bloating and general stomach discomfort after eating.

I use it with my two largest meals - especially if meat is involved. I've recommended it to friends and also my doctor who had never heard of this product. After being hospitalized about 5 years ago, and having several relapses I've found MY solution is aloe vera juice, probiotics and Prolipamy. I hope I never have to try to live without it. Thank you for a great product.

- Jan, (MS) 12/02/2008