I've been dealing with varicose veins since I was 19. I thought I was too young, but the swollen, purplish-blue veins and excruciating pain would continue to torture me for many more years.
When I first got Veinulux, I kept it in my bag and didn't think about it again until I was driving home from work. I was halfway there and suddenly the pain in my legs flared up again, making driving nearly impossible.
I thought fast and took a Veinulux capsule – and by the time I got home 20 minutes later, I noticed the pain was GONE. I was amazed! Veinulux really works for pain, and fast.
After about two weeks, I also noticed that my veins seemed less swollen and appeared lighter in color.
I'm really excited to see them fading and it's motivating me to stick with it so they disappear by summer. This will be the best summer ever!
Thank you so much for Veinulux!
- Patricia V,
(MI) 03/09/2009