"My triglycerides are down without side effects!"

Thank you so much for continuing the sale of your product! Five years ago, my Canadian doctor was appalled to find my triglyceride count was among the highest he had ever seen in his 35 years of medical practice. My triglyceride count was at 15 and normal is between 0.11 - 2.81!

My weight was good, so my doctor said my diet did not need to change, but he immediately put me on chemicals. They did lower my triglyceride count, but invariably, there were troubling side effects. My hands would hurt so much I couldn't use them or my knees would swell, feel weak, and become painful.

Finally, after three years of struggle, trying different chemicals or combinations of them, I decided to look for an alternative. I surfed the web, and thank God, I found your site! Your offer guaranteeing great results or my money back was good enough for me.

Now, after using only two tablets a day of your product since March of 2007, my triglyceride count is down without any side effects! Today I will start taking three tablets a day to get the count down exactly where it needs to be. Thank you again for your product. It has been an answer to prayer. It works!

- Helen D, (Canada) 09/26/2008

"My HDL was 113 . . . now it's 140!"

I started taking Cholestasys three months ago. My HDLs were 113. They are now 140. My LDLs dropped 40 points. Cholestasys truly works! I’ll be buying Cholestasys forever! Beats taking chemicals!

- Cheryl T, (FL) 07/01/2007

"I wanted to try something natural first . . ."

I’ve had cholesterol problems for the last several years. In 2004 it was 201, 2005 it was 233, 2006 it was 218, and in March 2007 it was 242. My doctor wanted to put me on chemicals immediately. I told him I want to try something natural first and asked him to give me six months before we made that decision. He agreed and I bought a six month supply of Cholestasys.

My results came back and it was 208 – a 34 point drop - in six months after using Cholestasys. I wasn’t just surprised, I was amazed at the results! I immediately made another purchase of this product to continue the progress to healthy cholesterol. I would much rather use Cholestasys than take chemicals. I have no side effects like chemicals have. Plus I just feel so much better overall. GREAT PRODUCT.

- Brian P, (GA) 11/15/2007

"I stay away from chemicals and the side effects."

I researched for a natural product when I found out my cholesterol and triglycerides needed addressed. I stay away from chemicals and all the side effects. So when I found Cholestasys online, I read all the testimonies and since it had a money back guarantee, I thought I’d try it.

I did, and to my amazement I was so excited to see that my cholesterol went from 247 to 207 and my triglycerides from 376 to 174. Thank you for a product that truly does work! I’m very thankful I found MicroNutra Health.

- Sheree G, (CA) 03/31/2008

"My cholesterol went from 242 to 208 in 6 months!"

I've used Cholestasys for two years and my cholesterol levels have dropped significantly. My cholesterol went from 242 to 208 in a six month period. It has just been tested and it's now 211, but I haven't tested it consistently, as I did when I first started using Cholestasys. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for healthy cholesterol.

- Robert M, (GA) 11/10/2008