I purchased Claritose to control excessive mucous in my sinus and throat and it worked as advertised, eventually reducing and then eliminating the problem. When I ran out of capsules, the mucous problem slowly returned and I am therefore ordering more. This stuff works!
- Larry B,
(Canada) 10/14/2008
My son, Mason, who is now 10 years old, was born with allergen difficulties. At infancy this caused him to itch from the inside out, making him thrash in his bed and not allowing him to sleep for any length of time. As Mason has grown his allergen difficulties have lessened - however, they still are very present.
We have been struggling with conventional methods that Mason is building resistance to. My parents got on the Internet to try to find something that we could give Mason that would not hurt him, yet give results.
That is when we found Claritose. It sounded too good to be true! We ordered it and started it right away. Mason's allergen difficulties and signs lessened drastically. We ran out of Claritose about a week ago and I tried something else I had found. It didn't work. Mason and I can't wait for the Claritose to arrive. I won't run out again. It really works!
- Julene L,
(IN) 09/25/2008
My response to allergens was so bad that I just stayed inside all summer. I had tried many chemicals and alternative treatments, nothing worked for me. I've been using Claritose since spring this year and have gotten to go outside and I enjoy things I haven't done for years. Thank you for this product!
- Rachel G,
(KS) 10/14/2008