LICENEX WORKS, THANK GOD! Never have I been so happy to be able to write a testimonial! I've tried to get rid of the most tenacious lice from February 2008 all the way until November 2008 (nearly 10 months). I've used so many things on my head that I'll try to remember in case this helps anyone else . . . and keep in mind I used some of these for weeks or months at a time for many hours and some overnight: natural and OTC lice shampoos, hair gel, hair glue, hair putty, hair spray, vinegar, salt water, olive oil, baby oil gel, petroleum jelly, hydrogen peroxide rinse, and special combs.
And the lice kept coming back. Do you doubt that I've spent hundreds of dollars on various products and supplies? I had to keep telling myself not to get depressed because I've got a big head with millions of unusually thick, coarse hairs that I had to comb myself. Eventually I combed out most of my hair (and from all the junk I'd put on it), but was grateful for that since I could finally get the "tiny teeth" metal comb through it.
In desperation, I found the Licenex website and ordered one bottle of the shampoo for a mere $37. Nov. 1, 2008, I used Licenex as instructed and then 2 days later felt some angry, biting lice jogging (but not running!) around.
So I used Licenex again for 15 minutes longer, and the next day the 3-5 lice that were left staggered around, desperately biting the hell-fire out of my head. I got home that same day and put a generous amount of Licenex on my dry hair, lightly wetting my hands as I worked it through and massaged for 30 minutes, then left it in for an additional 10 minutes for good measure; then rinsed out with a light conditioner and ran the "tiny teeth" metal comb through my head; finally, I thoroughly dried with a blow-dryer while combing with my tiny comb and then vigorously with my bristle brush.
I still have residual itching from the desperate lice bites but I have nothing running, jogging, crawling, or biting me now, and that's why I can say from my own very personal and intimate experience that something has finally worked against the tenacious "Klingon warrior" lice . . . and that is LICENEX. The only thing Licenex could possibly do for me now is to show me a video tape to watch the lice die a horrible, slow death like they deserve. I tearfully and joyfully recommend Licenex to anyone as desperate, depressed and frustrated as I was!
- Beverly,
(SC) 11/06/2008
Our family was devastated when our nine year old came home with lice. Then we found out that our six year old had it too. Where do we go and what do we do? Our knee jerk reaction was to go to the drugstore and buy a chemical solution.
We did. We used it and it was a horrible experience. Putting all those pesticides in our children's hair was bad but something we felt we had to do, so we did it grudgingly. So that night my wife and I said there had to be something better and natural.
We found Licenex from MicroNutra. We called and Pauline was extremely helpful and took extra time explaining the product and that it was 100% natural and it removed lice and nits. What a relief!
The next day we were waiting with anticipation; it did not arrive. It ended up that FedEx lost our package. The team at MicroNutra was extremely helpful and courteous and sent us out a package the very next day, no questions asked. Plus, the product is wonderful, smells great, and WORKS! Thank you Micronutra and Pauline!!! We are lice and nit FREE!
- Mike C,
(NC) 11/19/2008
This is to let everyone know that Licenex is a wonderful product. I don't know when I have been as pleased with a product. We have a teenager who has several friends who sleep over often and we got into an awful mess with head lice.
After trying several products and being very frustrated after all the combing out of nits, repeating methods, and still having the problem, someone told me about Licenex. The product is pleasant to use, smells good, and it works!! We have furnished the product to the families of the friends and some others who had similar problems. I highly recommend this product.
- George K,
(MS) 11/19/2008
This is my second purchase of Licenex. We tried Licenex about a year ago; we had a seriously severe infestation. We got the initial infestation in July 2007.
We tried all the store bought items. We tried the poison ones, the natural ones, home recipes and we couldn't get rid of them. We had them for almost five months when I came upon Licenex online. I ordered it and started using it immediately. The nits started falling off, and we finally were over them about three weeks later.
This time when we discovered the lice, we got on the ball and started using the Licenex I had left over from last year. Again the nits are just falling off and my girls' heads are almost clean. I sincerely recommend this product to anyone who has tried everything already. The hardest part is getting rid of the nits. Licenex does that for you. The best part is how easy it is to use and the results are great.
- Maggie S,
(TX) 11/18/2008
My son came home from school with lice and I immediately ran to the drug store, bought traditional kits, and spent hours combing and picking nits out of his head. After a few days it was back and his 3 year old brother had it as well. Getting a 3 year old to sit still long enough to comb and pick was nearly impossible.
Needless to say after a few more days they were back again. Frustrated, looking on the Internet I found Licenex. I liked the fact that it said it would get the eggs as well. I ordered it and it arrived quickly. I used the same bottle to spray furniture, car, etc. and use in the laundry. Finally the lice were gone! Thank you Licenex! I continue to spray linens and furniture often. It has a nice peppermint smell!
- Penny L,
(GA) 12/03/2008