"I can go, go, go all day long again!"

I saw Nutratose advertised on television in the spring of 2007. I ordered the powder (four jars) and took one scoop once a day. I had just started a new job and the work place is very big. I had a hard time getting enough energy to walk the entire length of the building. My whole life was getting harder and harder because I felt like I had no strength.

I started taking the Nutratose, one scoop mixed into some pudding or yogurt and my energy level went up right away. I have kept on taking it every day and my energy kept improving. I can walk the entire length of the store back and forth five or six times in a row now. I love this Nutratose, it has made me feel young again. I can go, go, go, all day long again. I will be 66 years old at the end of this year and Nutratose has given me a new lease on life.

Now I order both the capsules and the powder. I use the capsules when I am going to be out of the house at lunch time, which is when I use Nutratose, I use the powder when I am staying home at that hour. I can't praise Nutratose enough, everyone who is starting to run out of energy and feeling tired should try it. Thank You Nutratose.

- Corrinne L, (FL) 09/11/2008

"I am totally headache free with tons of energy."

For years I have been afflicted with terrible headaches, which were virtually debilitating. I would spend days throwing up. I had missed quite a bit of work because of these episodes and finally took an early retirement in order to get some relief. I had no energy most of the time and when I did have energy, it was in short spurts.

After taking the Nutratose powder, I noticed a difference almost immediately. I had more energy and after only one week, I realized my headaches were gone. I was praising God for that. This product is an answer to prayer. It has only been 2 months and I am totally headache free with tons of energy. I am telling everyone about this product!

- Richard K, (NJ) 06/11/2007

"To be the best I can be, I have to fine-tune my body down to the cellular level."

I train all year long, swimming indoors and out, for my marathon swims to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters. I am careful about my diet and follow an intense nutrition program. I recover very quickly and I rarely get sick.

My only irritation was I suffer with allergens associated with chlorine (which is terrible if you’re a swimmer). I used to take chemicals daily to combat the effects of the chlorine.

I started taking Nutratose a year ago. I rarely have to take chemicals now. Nutratose has helped my body to properly metabolize my food and nutritional supplements giving me an even better level of health.

To be the best I can be, I have to fine-tune my body all of the way down to the cellular level. Nutratose has effectively improved my cellular communication.

Jim “The Shark” Dreyer

- Jim D, (MI) 06/20/2007

"I recommend glyco 8 nutrients for cosmetic purposes, too."

I am health care professional with over 20 years of experience in biotech, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and alternative medicine fields. I am updated and over-informed with all the varieties of new pharmaceutical compounds. They address the symptoms, not the cause. That makes the whole difference, and this is what glyco 8 nutrients do – redefine wellness.

Well, this is exactly what happened with me just after a few days of taking Nutratose caps with Prolipamy. I had been going through very challenging physical, emotional, intellectual pressures in my life and I was literally sucked up, not having any energy for anything.

I have a great illustration. Imagine a plant which was not watered for two consecutive weeks, dried out completely, to its lowest point. When you give the life-changing water, everything reverses back.

I cannot describe the physical wellness even after the first two capsules! Oh, no exaggeration, believe me - even my nine year old son noticed. He said, “Mom, you have less wrinkles this morning.” So ladies, the beauty is coming from the inside out.

This product Nutratose is activating our natural healing process. The science is much more complicated, but that’s the essence of it. So I recommend glyco 8 nutrients for cosmetic purposes, too. I am so grateful that I found these products. Working overseas in the health care industry, I will definitely recommend the products to my patients.

- Emese, (CA) 01/10/2007

"Since we started taking glyco 8 nutrients,
our children have not missed a day of school."

We were using a similar higher priced product and were looking for a way to get our glyco 8 nutrients at a more affordable rate. We found Nutratose and have been using it ever since. We feel that it's better than the original product we were taking and yet at a reasonable price. Since we started taking glyco 8 nutrients our children have not missed a day of school. Even with all the bad things going around the schools. We intend to continue taking them forever.

- Hal K, (NY) 12/03/2008