"Thanks Rhumatol for giving me my life back."

I have muscle and joint discomfort and I hurt all the time. I saw the website for Rhumatol through the Internet trying to find something that would not only help with my discomfort but increase my energy and help with exhaustion and fatigue.

That's when I started taking Rhumatol. It's made me feel better than any of my synthetic chemicals. I was determined that this condition was not gonna get me down. Thanks Rhumatol for giving me my life back.

- Kathy M, (AK) 09/18/2008

"My husband had swollen knees and couldn't move or straighten his arms fully . . . "

My husband is 39 years old and has auto immune joint discomfort. He saw a rheumatologist and was given all kinds of synthetic chemicals that were harmful to his liver and had to take blood tests every six weeks. The chemicals also had side effects and he got tired of it. It wasn’t working at all. So, he stopped taking it.

While I was surfing the web, I came across an ad for Rhumatol and suggested he try it. He was VERY skeptical, but decided it couldn’t hurt. He started taking it and within three days, he was feeling better.

He has been taking it for about two months and is now free from any signs of the condition. Before he started taking it, he had swollen knees and he couldn’t move or straighten his arms out fully. Now he can straighten his arms and his knees are back to normal size. He feels great! It is a true miracle. Thank you Rhumatol for giving my husband his life back!

- Debra, (VA) 01/12/2007

"The swelling goes down in my hands, and I am able to work all day. "

I've been taking Rhumatol for six months and I think it's great. I have suffered from joint discomfort for a couple years. I take Rhumatol every morning. The swelling goes down in my hands, and I am able to work all day. I love Rhumatol and recommend it to anyone. I have not found anything that works like it.

- Nellie H., (OH) 11/13/2008

"The stairs in my home are no longer a dreaded journey. "

I had been having continued discomfort in my left hip area and leg for almost six months. Before taking Rhumatol, every movement was an effort. After about three months of this condition, I was finding it hard to do anything. My quality of life was nonexistent. I had to stop my walks. Everyday housework was almost impossible.

I researched diligently on the web for an all natural product. I liked what I read on the MicroNutra.com web page and decided to give it try. I had purchased buy 2 and get 1 free. It took about seven days after starting Rhumatol for me to notice a change in the discomfort. After the first month I was taking my nightly walks again. The stairs in my home are no longer a dreaded journey. After two months of taking Rhumatol, I was discomfort-free about 70% of the time. On those days when I was extra physical I would take an extra Rhumatol.

I have been on Rhumatol now for over seven months and would not give it up for anything. The swelling that was always present in the left hip area only flares up with extreme activity. It actually feels like the tissue is filling in around that area now. I can't thank you enough for giving me, as well as the general public, the opportunity to buy a quality product that is all natural. One that works! Thank you so much!

- Charlotte D, (CA) 10/01/2008

"I've had auto immune joint discomfort since I was 21 . . . "

I have had auto immune joint discomfort since I was 21 years old. I am now 60 years old. This has gotten worse as I get older with age. Since I started Rhumatol, in just 2 weeks I do not have the stiffness in my hands. Everyone is different; however, I have noticed in the middle of the night I no longer have the stiffness in my hands. Before I could not even barely open a bottle or hold a cup of coffee in the morning. Not anymore thanks to Rhumatol.

- Sharon E, (ID) 12/31/2008