"Our son struggled with writing assignments . . . "

We wanted to write and share our positive experience with your product Synaptol. Our son is highly functioning but has the usual signs of cognitive difficulty.

We started giving him Synaptol last year when he was struggling with writing assignments in school. In time he was better able to put his thoughts together for writing. The biggest benefit that we see at home is his ability to keep on task in order to get ready for the school day, which has improved dramatically.

Thank you for an all natural product that works!

- Jerilyn B, (IN) 10/20/2008

"Our son's behavior was steadily declining."

I have NEVER written any type of testimonial before, until now. I have never really had enough reason or results to do so. However, I would like to thank Synaptol for my ‘new’ son! He is 10 (almost 11). His behavior was steadily declining. He was rude, combative (especially with his 15 year old sister), and only wanted to watch tv and play video games.

Approximately three and a half weeks ago, I started giving him one Synaptol and one salmon oil capsule before bed. After about a week and a half, I noticed subtle changes. After the second week, I am totally in awe.

In two weeks, he has read five books from the school library, cleaned up his room without being asked, played outside instead of watching tv, is always looking for something constructive - not destructive - to do, and he and his sister have had one small argument in the last two weeks. In her words, “that stuff is great!”

As for myself, I have been taking it and have noticed improvements in my anxiety and disorganization. There is nothing to lose. That’s what hooked me. I could completely recover my money if it didn’t work, so why not? Now, I consider it an investment. THANKS!

- Lynne F, (SC) 11/13/2007

"The school he attends is in amazement -
they do not believe this is the same kid."

My son has been on synthetic chemicals since he was a baby. He never had any kind of attention span and hardly even said many words. He is four years old now and I got afraid of the chemicals causing harm to his little body. He never had a bowel movement and he rarely even slept.

I tried Synaptol, along with one of the chemicals he was on, for a week and then tapered him off all his chemicals. After a month the school he attends is in amazement - they do not believe this is the same kid. He talks in full and complete sentences. We know that this is answered prayer by God, we also know God led us to this product. He is a normal little boy who is a little behind, but catching up rapidly. Everyone is in shock.

We thank you for a product that really works. Now I am trying the other products you offer. I have a family of six so I need a lot of help to keep healthy, and we now know Synaptol works. Thanks again, you should see my son now!

- Lisa V, (FL) 11/20/2006

"Homework was a frustrating test of wills . . ."

Our son struggled in school, having problems keeping focused during class, "escaping" into his own little world, and becoming a distraction to the other students and teachers. After school his homework became a frustrating test of wills. About a year ago, we began giving him Synaptol.

Since then, his grades have not only improved, but he is making almost As and Bs. His homework gets done without argument, and without the frustrations. We attribute most of his changes to Synaptol, and we are very happy to continue giving it to him.

- James M, (Saudi Arabia) 11/19/2008

"He's now making AB Honor Roll!"

A friend suggested that we try Synaptol as it had worked wonders for her child. I can truly say that it has worked wonders for our 10 year old child as well! The first few times our son resisted taking the product but we explained that these nutrients were making him strong. Anyway, no real noticeable change in the first week or so. Then we received a phone call from one of his teachers. This is when I became a believer in this product. The teacher told us, "Austin seems to be focusing better in the classroom." We began to notice small changes at home. Austin was able to do more than one thing at a time.

Before this product, we would have to give him instructions to do only one thing at a time. For example, you could not say Austin, "go clean your room and put your shoes in the garage." There was no way that he would have remembered to put his shoes in the garage. Now we can tell him several things to do and he can do them all. He's able to focus during instruction time at school, while doing homework, etc. Let me not forget to mention that he's now making AB Honor Roll!! We could not be happier. I truly believe that we would still be at wits end had we not tried this product.

Thank you for making me a believer in SYNAPTOL!!

- Cheryl H, (VA) 02/04/2009