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Join the MicroNutra Health™ Affiliate Program Today!

MicroNutra Health™ is a leading source of high-quality natural supplements designed to support healthy lifestyles. Our products contain all-natural ingredients, blended into unique formulations that are safe and effective in supplementing the Standard American Diet. MicroNutra Health™ products are revolutionizing the lives of our customers, as more people every day discover the link between natural nutrition and good health. Each product is manufactured in the USA under GMP guidelines and conforms to FDA standards.

The MicroNutra Health™ Affiliate Program Offers You . . .

  • 2-tier program. 20% commission plus 4% on second tier sales

    $10 bounty also awarded for referring a new affiliate.
  • Lifetime cookies & high sales conversion rate

    Average commission is $28 per sale.
  • Phone order tracking

    Affiliates receive full credit for phone sales.
  • Unique affiliate marketing tools

    Banners, text links, datafeeds, & more.
  • Fresh creativity so your site stays current

    Choose from our latest marketing materials and promotions.
  • Fast, reliable monthly payouts

    Payouts are made on the 20th of every month.
  • Dedicated affiliate support

    Experienced internet professionals to help you every step of the way!

Why? Because we believe natural health secrets should be shared. Don't let this exciting opportunity pass you by! Join us today.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.

Dear Valued Customer, MicroNutra Health™ has merged both assets and operation with IonX Holdings™ Inc. Your selected product formula has not changed and will continue to work for you now as it has in the past. We have updated the protocols and website information. All marketing materials, including labels and brochures have changed and will continue to change to meet The Food & Drug Administration guidelines. Please call 1-800-875-0850 if you have any questions.

MicroNutra Health™ is not a medical site and is not intended to offer medical advice. MicroNutra Health™ urges you to consult your health care provider for proper diagnosis. You should consult your health care provider prior to taking any dietary supplement. should be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle. The content of these images are not meant to suggest that the people depicted use or endorse our products or services. All testimonials are from real customers. Names may be changed to protect the privacy of our customers. Testimonials may be edited for length and to meet FDA compliance guidelines. While positive results are likely, individual results may vary. Testimonials represent individual experience only, and are not to be construed as an advertisement or claim. FedEx® service marks are used by permission. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the prior written permission of IonX Holdings™ Inc., or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

† Already within normal healthy range.

**Individual results may vary