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Claritose™ - Dramatically Increase Resistance Against Allergens In 30 Days!
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Claritose™ - Dramatically Increase Resistance Against Allergens In 30 Days!

Health Bulletin: Proven Micro-Nutrients Help Alleviate Allergies

Amazing Natural Allergy Answer

Dramatically Increase Resistance Against Allergens In 30 Days
or It's Free!

Protect Your Body From Pollen And Pollutant Exposure Naturally!

Powerful Cellular Fuel Activates Immune T-cell Activity! Advanced Micro-Nutrients Clinically Proven to Benefit Allergy Victims . . .
Safely and Naturally Eliminate Your Need for Drugs.

Claritose™ Lets You Be You Again!

Welcome to MicroNutra Health™,

Hello. My name is Oscar Deerfield and I am one of the Health Advisors here at MicroNutra Health™. I would like to congratulate you for taking the first step toward discovering a real solution to your allergies and pre-asthma symptoms.

I realize how important it is that you find a natural, effective and safe answer to your misery due to allergies. Today I'm going to help you understand why Claritose™ is the final answer you were looking for.

Nothing is more important than making the right decision when considering YOUR health and quality of life. Follow me here and you will discover why Claritose™ is the correct choice for you too.

Hay fever affects 30-40% of Americans and is the most chronic illness for children. Chronic allergies are a precursor to the on-set of asthma, which happens to be the number one excuse for missed school days.

Claritose™ is proven safe and effective for everyone young or old. it may also interest you to know Claritose™ can be used along with any medications that you may already be taking.

If you have Allergies or pre-asthmatic symptoms, or are concerned about someone you love, read on because the information revealed in this letter can literally save your life, or the life of someone you love!

Getting Better One Cell At A Time . . .

Good health is a choice that you must make for yourself. It is your health . . . it is your responsibility! No one cares about your health more than you. Due to recent advances in nutraceutical medicine, the choice of good health is easier to make than ever before. Now there is a better and safer alternative to prescription drugs.

If you are suffering from allergies or exercise-induced breathing issues and feel you've tried everything to successfully get control of it and failed, then get comfortable and keep reading, because this may be the most important letter you will ever read on the subject. You are sincerely concerned and you have a very good reason to be.

Allergies can lead to asthma if left untreated or unmanaged.

Allergies are mostly associated with air pollution, which can cause your suffering to worsen. The research shows a sharp increase of overall allergic events since 1980. The numbers of just children with on-set of asthma has increased by nearly 60% and asthma related deaths by 78%.

Over 20 million Americans have developed asthma and globally the statistics are even more frightening!

Urban areas show the most dramatic rise in hospitalization and deaths triggered by allergens. Obviously developing industrialization and higher levels of environmental pollution are major factors.

Symptoms include decreased lung function, bronchial inflammation, recurrent coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, and tightness in the chest, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, itching, redness of the eyes, inflammation, and rashes brought on by triggers such as:

  • Industrial toxins
  • Airborne irritants such as dust and molds
  • Smoke
  • Viral infections
  • Pollen or food
  • Ozone
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Nitric oxide
  • Animals
  • Insects

When ever you or someone you love has an allergic reaction, it is the result of a breakdown of the immune system.

Remember there are 4 major Types of Allergic Reactions;

Type 1 - Foods, mold, pollen animal dander, hair or dust can cause an immediate super sensitive reaction. As your body responds to the invasion, your cells release histamine from the irritated area. This could be nasal, bronchial or skin reactions.

Type 2 - Allergens join up with healthy cells tricking your body to attack the good cell. This is common in the GI tract and can lead to diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, nausea, stomach cramps, belching and flatulence.

Type 3 - Allergens invade your immune system and form an "immune complex". These complexes can actually cause injury to tissue cells throughout your body.

Type 4 - Specials T-cells from your Cellular Defense Team becomes activated, resulting in inflammation of that exposed area. An example would be poison ivy.

Claritose™ Addresses All 4 Types
of Allergy Reactions Simultaneously By Going Directly the Source.

Claritose™ is a quantum-leap formulation that unlocks your immune system's bio-code by supporting your natural cellular systems. Claritose™ helps to shut-down your allergic response rather than only disguising your symptoms.

If you have allergies most likely you have already visited a doctor and have been given a prescription drug and where you told may have to take it for the rest of your life.

The fact is most of these drugs have the potential for many negative side-effects including fatigue, dizziness, depression, impotence, liver damage and more.

While these prescriptive medications can sometimes help control the symptoms of your allergies, this is often a temporary measure only and does not address the root cause.

Did you know� over 74% of Americans are making the choice of good health through natural medicines that address the root cause, rather than choosing pharmaceutical drugs which only trick the body's immune response system. You are obviously one of these people . . . I'm here to assure you that you are on the right path to a healthier you.

Super-Charge Your Every Cell!

Imagine yourself free of worrying about your next allergy attack. Imagine how you would feel if you didn't have to stress about it ever again and not have to deal with all the negative side effects of any pharmaceutical drugs. You can be active once again! In fact, Claritose™ will help you:

Breathe clearly without wheezing or chest tightness
Reduce your fear and anxiety related to your allergies
Eliminate restrictions on your activities and enjoyment in life
Reduce allergy symptoms and avoid attacks, even when exercising or while asleep
Decrease or eliminate your need for drugs and inhalers
Eliminate inflammation and airway constriction

Claritose™ Takes The Burden Away!

Claritose™ has been clinically proven to be over 93% effective in overcoming your all 4 types of allergies simultaneously, by addressing the root cause at the cellular level. Taken over several months, your immune system can be at full strength and normalized.

You can only carry so many burdens, eventually you will need help. Today we all carry a heavy load of various stress factors that slowly accumulate and wear out our immune systems. We are all exposed to even more environmental pollutants and industrial toxins than ever before.

Add to that the Standard American Diet (SAD), stressful relationships, work, traffic, lack of quality sleep, lack of exercise. All this builds up to the point where a single molecule of pollen, dander or mold can cause your immune system to break under pressure.

New science has discovered 8 hidden "essential" micronutrients that our cells use to defend against invasion and stress. Claritose™ ensures you will have all 8 of these vital factors for an invincible immunity.

It All Starts At The Cellular Level!

We Bet Our Money On It!

I Unconditionally Guarantee Claritose™ will work for you too! The all-natural nutrients in Claritose™ have been shown to dramatically improve immune and respiratory function, reduce or eliminate the incidence and severity of allergy attacks, and strengthen your entire immune system.

Claritose™ is a well-documented way to stop allergic hyper-sensitivity in its tracks, so you can always be yourself without the sneezing, sniffling and red eyes . . .Claritose™ contains no chemically generated compounds, fillers, or artificial additives and unlike pharmaceutical drugs, does not require a prescription and has zero negative side effects.

Claritose™ is another remarkable product from MicroNutra™ Health's scientific research team, who together continue to provide quality healthcare solutions throughout the world for over 30 years now.

Proof Claritose™ Works

You know there's always one in every crowd that says, "Oh yeah, well if it's so good then prove it!" Well, for all the doubters, guess what? That's just what we have done! We took the time to scientifically query patients to determine the safety and effectiveness of using Claritose™, and this is what we found to be true:

93.6% of all people who used Claritose™ as directed reported positive results. That translates into an impressive decrease in asthmatic symptoms for over 9 out of 10 patients.

86.7% said that they felt completely normal and without any subsequent allergic events for at least one month later even while off the product.

What else could you ask for?

  • A naturally superior way to help without doing harm.
  • Ancient traditional medicine is time tested for thousands of years and is well known to be safe and affective.
  • Our proprietary blend has been successful with thousands of patients over the years before ever reaching the open market.
  • A natural solution that fortifies your lung and immune cells while helping to re-balance your body's entire metabolism.
  • Claritose™ keeps helping your miraculous body to regenerate and grow better and stronger each day, naturally!
We even took it one step further and had an independent lab do a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study on 100 patients. They found Claritose™ had significantly reduced allergy and asthma symptoms with patients having Zero negative side effects observed throughout the study.

Claritose™ Ingredients are Proven over and over to Enhance Immune Function

Immune cells called phagocytes remove allergens and help fight infection. An independent study tested volunteers for 10 consecutive days with Beta Glucan. The subjects were monitored for 30 days.

Beta Glucan was safe and well tolerated, as evidenced by the lack of significant changes in key blood and liver enzymes. It also significantly increased -the ability of the immune cells to seek and destroy foreign intruders (allergens).

The quantity of phagocyte cells consuming at least three particles increased from 37.3% to more than 50% (P< .05). These results reflect that Beta Glucan enhances your immune system to better defend you against allergies.

Researchers also revealed that Beta Glucan increased plasma cytokines INF-y and TNF-a, which play a vital role in regulating the body's immune response. There was no significant increase in cytokine IL-1 .These results are similar to those obtained from a 1999 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Beta Glucan is an immunomodulator that has been proven to enhance overall immune system function.

Bottom-Line, Claritose™ Works . . .

You too can experience these impressive results as Claritose™ targets the source of your symptoms at the cellular level.
Read on to learn more.

"Ortho means 'right'- the right molecules in the right amounts. Orthomolecular medicine leads to the best health and the greatest decrease in disease. It is the most effective prevention in the treatment of disease."
Dr. Linus Pauling
Two times Nobel Prize winner, founder of Orthomolecular Medicine.
Allergic events are caused by a variety of factors. Claritose™ is the ONLY natural solution that replenishes healthy cellular function quickly and completely, once and for all.

"If You're Treating Just One of The Allergy Types, You're Missing The Mark!"

Claritose™ is the ONLY Allergy Solution that promotes the healing of immune cells from the inside out. Like a military brigade, Claritose™ attacks the ROOT CAUSE from every direction.

Claritose™ Is A New Class Of Micronutrients That Help You . . .

  • Inhibit Excessive Mucus
    Claritose™ inhibits excessive mucus build up throughout the bronchial airways.

  • Promote Anti-Inflammatory Factors
    Claritose™ increases neuropeptides in your body, which naturally help control inflammation.

  • Directly Increase Lymphocytes and Macrophage Production
    Claritose™ empowers the body's natural structural modification of cellular glycosaminoglycans, involved in glycoprotein synthesis. These are important cells that help protect you from allergic bronchial reactions.

  • It's no wonder that over 72% of our customers come from word of mouth referrals or refill orders. Here are some of their life changing testimonials.

You too can expect similar results.

Thanks for your testimonials. You are all an inspiration to us all! Keep sharing the good news about Claritose. You're going to overcome your allergy issues-I know I have.

Your Friend, Oscar Deerfield

Submitted by: Lachelle B

Dear Oscar,
Claritose was a great experience. It opened up my sinuses; I can enjoy all aspects of my life now. I feel free and alive! Thanks to everyone for their support.
Love, Lachelle B

Lachelle Dearest,
It is wonderful to read this. I have always said that focus on the health of your cells first, and the rest will follow. This is more than just a treatment; you're a living testimonial of this.
Peace, Oscar Deerfield

Submitted by: Marsha T

Dear Oscar,
I feel free, aware, and alive, what a beautiful thing! Thanks Oscar Deerfield
Marsha T

Great testimonial - You have had an amazing beginning upon your journey to health
Oscar Deerfield

Submitted by: Rita

Dear Oscar,
I finished my 30 day supply almost 2 weeks ago. I have studied nutrition and natural health for years and an alternative answer has been something that I have looked for a long time. I think this was an important step of my health journey. I am extremely happy that I found Claritose. The support and information was incredible and I wouldn't have done it on my own.

Submitted by: Maria

For at least 20 years I've had allergies. I have suffered most of my life. My asthma has progressively worsened in the last few years. I even wound up in the hospital by ambulance 4 times and 5 or 6 by car. I have been under the care of practitioners and even an Allergist. Because of them I was on 5 different medications. In April of 2006, I was introduced to Claritose capsules. I chose Claritose over the prescriptions, and took 4 capsules a day. By the end of April I no longer went for allergy shots (3 shots every two weeks). My energy improved, but more importantly, my stamina increased. I could go upstairs in my A-Frame without requiring my inhaler.

By mid-May I was able to get off of 4 of my prescriptions. I no longer require drugs like Proventil Repitabs, Vanceril inhaler, Intal inhaler, or the Prednisone pills I kept in the medicine cabinet for emergencies. I still need my Ventolin inhaler at the 600m of Uniphyl, but I need it less than before I started with Claritose. I will keep you up dated over the next few months. Life is terrific again; thank You Oscar Deerfield,
Your friend, Maria D.L.

Submitted by: Randy W.

Hello Oscar,
My name is Randy W. I live in Phoenix Arizona and have chronic allergies most of the year round. I really want to thank you for opening not only my sinuses and airways with Claritose, but also for opening my eyes. Since taking Claritose the redness and dryness in my eyes is completely gone. Before trying this product I couldn't even go out side if the sun was up, without sneezing and squinting in terror. Now I rarely sneeze at all and I can open my eyes wide enough to enjoy life again.
This is a miracle product for me. Thank you!

Submitted by: Sally A.

Dear Oscar,
It took my doctors several years to finally figure out that I was not allergic to pollen and dust, but to my 4 beautiful horses. We tried everything from allergy injections to herbal remedies, but nothing really helped me. It actually got to the point where we had discussed getting rid of our beloved horses. I really want to thank you for explaining how Claritose worked to me and my allergist. Sinse being on Claritose I can even groom my babies again without the running eyes and itchy nose. The lesson for everyone who reads my letter is to never give up hope. Help is possible. Bless you Oscar, thanks a million!
Sally A. Cadillac Mi.

More Proof is in the Ingredients

You've heard us say the product works. You've read the testimonials from satisfied customers. You've even seen the results of our internal polling and the results of an independent lab study. If you're still not 100% convinced that Claritose™ can help you make every day count then this section is for you.

Below is a short explanation of each ingredient in Claritose™ and its proven benefits in safely promoting optimal health.

Aloe barbadensis extract 200:1 . . .
called the plant of immortality, plant of life and miracle plant has been used for thousands of years for its natural health, beauty and medicinal properties. 2000 years ago the Greek scientists coined Aloe as the first panacea. It has been proven to have a diverse array of benefits from antibiotic, and pain reliever and cell growth stimulator. The critical ingredient is called Mannose. Mannose helps prevent adhesion of bacteria to sinus and bronchial tissues.
Astragali extract . . .
the Astragalus plant which has a rich history in Chinese medicine as an immune stimulator. The active ingredient, Tragacanth, is known help increase the elimination of toxins. Studies have shown that it increases the production of interferon. In the past, Astragalus was added to cough syrups and lozenges because of its ability to soothe irritated mouth and throat tissue. Astragalus is still used for its gastrointestinal and respiratory effects in many parts of the world.
Beta-Glucan 1,3/1,6 . . .
supports the production and activity of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that is part of your cellular defense team and is also is a free radical scavenger. There are over 3,000 published, peer-reviewed studies in medical journals all over the world about beta-glucan. The active linkages of 1, 3/1 and 6 glucose molecules in beta-glucan cause certain immune cells to fight and communicate better to overcome allergies.
Arabinogalactan . . .
is a phytonutrient fiber made of beta-linked Galactose and arabinose molecules in a 6:1 ratio. Arabinogalactan is also found in Echinacea. Impressive studies have shown beneficial effects on healthy digestive flora as well as helping to balance immune response to allergens.
Shiitake mushroom extract . . .
Lentinus edodes is a prized medicinal as well as a culinary delight. Shiitake has antifungal, antitumor and antiviral properties. Shiitake has the ability to increase your body's interferon levels, Extracts from shiitake mushrooms have also been researched for many other immunological benefits, ranging from anti-viral properties to possible treatments for severe allergies.
Cordycep mycelia extract . . .
Cepha losporium sinensis has an active ingredient that has shown in modern research to promote phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages and enhance the function of the reticendothelial system which helps the body respond to allergens effectively. Olympic long-distance runners surprised the world by winning all the distance events at the world track and field championships in Germany by using Cordycep in their diet. Cordycep benefits anyone in need of more energy. In ancient China only the imperial family could afford this, as it was known as the "Elixir of Life" It is also known to nourish the lungs.
Maitake mushroom extract . . .
Grofola frondosa is famous for its cancer fighting properties and its energizing effect on the cellular immunological system. Highly prized in China for thousands of years Reishi was known as the "elixir of Immortality" for its healing power and for strengthening the lungs, liver, heart, nerves and brain cells.
Glucosamine sulfate . . .
is a super critical amino-saccharide that is necessary for many functions in the healing process and helps control histamine and mast cell inflammation in allergy patients.
Ghatti gum . . .
comes from a tree called Anogeissus latifolia that grows in India. The gum, or resin, is called Dhavda is hand harvested and sun-dried. Ghatti is a complex polysaccharide, which is a natural source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Many studies show definite benefits of Ghatti gum against fungal pathogens that may trigger allergies.
Guar gum . . .
or Cymopsis tetragonolobus has shown promise as a potent digestive aid. Studies verify Guar gum brings beneficial modulation of the gastrointestinal micro flora, which can help benefit victims of allergic events and strengthen appropriate immune response.

There is no arguing the effectiveness of each of these individual ingredients. The secret of Claritose' success comes from the proprietary blending at the molecular level of all these ingredients as a synergistic whole, to attack the root cause of debilitating allergies from every direction.

Folks, I can't stress this part enough.

Keep in mind . . . no other products can have the same ingredients combined in this way nor offer the same levels of effectiveness.

Literally every molecule plays its particular role, while the synergistic blend as a whole represents a powerful tool to optimize cellular metabolisms.

Our products are far more than a bunch of mashed together herbs. Cheap, poor quality supplements are virtually useless as they have little to NO effectiveness at all.

The fact is, this complete super critical formulation has never been available to the general public before and was only available in exclusive wellness centers and clinics.

Our scientists have literally engineered Claritose™ from scratch, at the most subtle and exacting levels to maximize potency and absorption.

Why trust your health to anything less?

I've shown you how the product works, given you unprecedented testimonials from happy patients and customers, shown you the results from independent lab tests and clinical studies, and just broke down the essential ingredients to help you understand better how they individually work.

The only thing left is for you to decide (if you have not already) is to take control for your own health because no one else really can.

Exceptional Health is YOUR Best Choice.

I hope that I've presented the information above clearly enough that you too now feel comfortable in using Claritose™ for your better health and well being.

The only thing left to do is present you with our totally risk-free money back guarantee.

FDA Approved Manufacturing Facilities

Every product manufactured for MicroNutra Health™ is done so in an FDA approved facility under "Good Manufacturing Practices" guidelines. These guidelines assure that every single capsule and pill sold by MicroNutra Health™ is of the highest quality and purest form. We won't trust your health to anything less, and neither should you!

My Promise to You

I know that Claritose™ works. I see it every day in customer re-orders and testimonials. I am so confident Claritose™ will work for you too that I am giving you my personal guarantee, backed by an impeccably successful company.

If for any reason whatsoever,
you are not completely satisfied, simply let us know within 12 months of your purchase and we'll reverse your payment like it never happened...

A 365-Day Promise!
(Literally right up to the last day of the 12th month, period!)

I can promise you that Claritose™ . . .
will stop you from missing school or work because of allergic events and it's miserable effects.
will help you reduce the need for your current allergy medications.
will help you to stop worrying and start living again
will give you more energy and make you feel younger
will help you sleep better and to awaken fully re-charged
will have Zero negative side-effects and only positive benefits.

Claritose™ Will Help You Be Yourself Again!

Your Health is Priceless

A 30-day supply of Claritose™ cost less than $2.25 per day at the single bottle price. Most of our customers opt to save even more money by taking advantage of our multi-bottle price break, which allows a significant savings of up to 50%.

Either way it's all GUARANTEED!

Compared to everything you stand to lose if you don't make a change right now, $2.25 is just a drop in the bucket. What else can you do for $2.25 that will so greatly affect the quality of your life, your career, your family, and your home?


You've already taken the first step upon the
natural path to complete wellness!

Don't hesitate, order now . . .

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How soon after starting on Claritose™ can I expect to see results?
A: We have found that people, like you, who use Claritose™, will experience a noticeable reduction in their allergic events within the very first week or two of starting on the product. Clinical trials have shown increasing benefits with prolonged use and a healthy lifestyle.

Q: Can Claritose™ be used together with prescription drugs for Asthma?
A: Yes, Claritose™ can safely be used together with your prescription medications and will not interact negatively with synthetic drugs.

Q: When starting on the Claritose™ can I stop using other medications I am taking?
A: You should continue to take any medications that have been prescribed by your physician. You should not stop your allergy medication without first consulting your doctor. As your allergic events decrease, you should inform your physician that you want to reduce or stop the amount of medications you are taking.

Q: Is Claritose™ safe?
A: Because Claritose™ is made with all-naturally safe nutrients and no harmful steroids, fillers, or chemicals; it is absolutely beneficial to take on a regular basis. As always, consult your physician if you have a concern.

Q: How long does one bottle of Claritose™ last?
A: A single bottle of Claritose™ has 60 capsules and will last approximately one month. Some customers who had suffered from severe allergic attacks have opted to increase their dose the first month or two with remarkable results.

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