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Cholesterol Worries May Be a Thing of The Past . . .
A Guaranteed Solution!

Discover how you can lower your BAD CHOLESTEROL safely and naturally . . . without expensive prescriptions and their harmful side effects.

Dear Friend,

My name is Oscar Deerfield. I am one of the Health Advisors here at MicroNutra Health™. For years I struggled with my own personal battles with my health. I did everything the "experts" wanted me to do but sadly, I was not getting better. It just wasn't working.

That's when I decided to take personal responsibility for my health. Good Health Is a Choice that you must make for yourself. It is your health! It is your responsibility. No one cares about your health more than you. Follow me here and I will share with you some important facts that can change your health for the better for the rest of your life!

What You Need to Know about High Cholesterol

Whether you just found out or you already knew that your bad cholesterol levels were high, you are concerned and you have good reason to be. Studies show high cholesterol, along with other factors, reflects an increase in your risk of getting heart disease, the leading cause of death in America!

Whenever the bad (LDL) cholesterol levels gradually climb higher, it is no laughing matter. Ignored, it can contribute to severe health problems including stroke, kidney damage, diabetes mellitus and even death.

Your first reaction may be to visit your family doctor, in which case you could be given one of many prescription drugs to take for the rest of your life. Sadly, most of these drugs have the potential for many negative side-effects including fatigue, dizziness, depression, impotence, liver damage and more.

Did you know...according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) more than 74% of Americans are making the choice of good health through natural medicines instead of pharmaceutical drugs? If you are one of these people . . . you've come to the right place.

The good news is there is now a safe and clinically proven effective solution to high cholesterol.

The Solution is Cholestasys™

Imagine yourself free of worrying about the risk of high cholesterol levels. Imagine how you will feel if you do not have to worry about it ever again or have to deal with all the negative side effects of any pharmaceutical drugs. Well, it's not just a dream... it can be a reality with Cholestasys™.

Cholestasys™ has been clinically proven to be 99% effective in normalizing high cholesterol levels. That's a strong claim, but we have thousands of success cases and a "30 points in 30 days Guarantee," no questions asked, to back it up. After simply taking Cholestasys™ for only a few months, your cholesterol will be normalized, safely and naturally.

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

The all-natural ingredients in Cholestasys™ have been shown to dramatically lower cholesterol, both LDL and VLDL. Cholestasys™ re-establishes the natural balance, and reinforces your body's vitality and true health by working with your body, not by tricking it.

Cholestasys™ consists of all-natural ingredients that are essential in making it safe and effective. It contains no chemically generated compounds, fillers or artificial additives and unlike pharmaceutical drugs, does not require a prescription and has zero negative side effects.

Cholestasys™ is another remarkable product from the Micronutra Health™ scientific research team who have continued to provide quality healthcare solutions in the world, for more than 30 years!

Don't take my word for it. We have scientific proof that Cholestasys™ really does work.


You know there's always one in every crowd that says, "Oh yeah, well if it's so good then PROVE IT!" Well, for all the doubters, guess what, that's just what we've done! We took the time to scientifically query past users of Cholestasys™ about their results. This is what we found to be true:

97.6% of all people who used Cholestasys™ as directed reported positive results.

95.7% said that their cholesterol level is in normal range!

We even took it one step further and had an independent lab do a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study on 100 patients. They found Cholestasys™ significantly reduced LDL (Bad) cholesterol levels with patients having NO negative side effects observed throughout the study. Graph 1 shows the statistical results.

You can clearly understand these impressive results once you've learned how Cholestasys™ attacks the root cause of high cholesterol. Read on to learn more.


Elevated (LDL) Bad Cholesterol is caused by a variety of factors. Cholestasys™, along with a healthy lifestyle, is the ONLY solution that normalizes your cholesterol levels quickly and completely, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

If You're Treating Just One of the Causes of High Cholesterol, You're Only Half Way There!

Like a military brigade, Cholestasys™ is the ONLY SOLUTION that attacks your High Cholesterol from the inside out and attacks the ROOT CAUSE from every direction:

In Just One Potent Formulation, Cholestasys™ . . .

  • Inhibits cholesterol absorption throughout the intestine by reducing cholesterol's solubility.
  • Promotes excretion of fat and cholesterol from the body, which directly lowers the bad (LDL) cholesterol levels.
  • Directly reduces cholesterol production from the liver, lowering overall bad cholesterol concentrations.
  • Lowers circulating cholesterol in the blood which helps the liver clean up bad (LDL) cholesterol blood concentrations.
  • LDL receptor activity increases the clearance of circulating (LDL) bad cholesterol, which is thereby directly reduced.
  • Increases energy levels and feelings of well being.
  • Has zero negative side effects!

72% of our customers come from word-of-mouth referrals or refill orders. Here are some of their life changing testimonials.

What our customers are saying...

You too can expect similar results.

Submitted by: Dell Carlson
From: Toledo, Ohio
On: November 3, 2005

Meet A Contractor Who Convinced His Doctor to Order Cholestasys™

I've been a general contractor for 30 years and when my doctor put me on a prescription and told me to slow down I was really concerned. I thank God that I haven't had any heart attacks like my brother who has had 2 already and he is only 4 years older than me and works in an office. I don't do as much physical work as I used to but my job does demand I step in once in a while and it can get a little stressful, to say the least.

Let's cut to the chase here. I want to thank you for your cholesterol product. Bottom line is I was at around 190 when I started the prescription. Well I had upset stomach and felt dizzy once while inspecting a roof job and well I just stopped taking the stuff. My wife was the one who found your natural product on the Internet. Well I have to tell you, now my cholesterol is down safely around 160 and I feel good. I can't afford to have anything make me feel sick like those drugs did. I am really relieved that Cholestasys is available and I also want to tell you that my doctor is so impressed that he said he will be ordering a lot of your product for others like me. Thank you once again, sincerely,

Submitted by: Betty Muirs
From: St. Paul, Minnesota
On: November 20, 2005

Read How a Group of Nurses Are Spreading the Good
News about Cholesterol

Dear MicroNutra Health™, let me introduce myself. My name is Betty and I've been an LPN for 17 years here in the Twin Cities. I have seen the negative side effects of statin drugs like Lipitor and Pravachol all too often. These powerful drugs should not be prescribed to patients with compromised liver or kidney health. Unfortunately most patients over the age of 50 have already taxed their liver and kidneys through the years.

I was very impressed with the data available from your Cholestasys web site. I had been looking for an alternative to statin drugs that had been time tested. The self-regulating effects of Cholestasys are impressive. One of the most impressive benefits of your product that I have seen is in the fact that it helps to safely balance total blood cholesterol levels. A secondary danger of statins is that they tend to reduce LDL below healthy levels, which increases the risk of hemorrhagic strokes (bleeding in the brain) and other imbalances.

I work in concert with an In-Home-Healthcare Agency and I tell a lot of my patients about Cholestasys. My colleagues and I are getting the word out to many of the doctors as well. I wanted to write this letter to say Thank You, and to let you know what a positive impact you are having on the health and welfare of so many people!

With a great product like Cholestasys™ the news travels fast...As seen on these great sites.

More Proof Is in the Ingredients

You've heard us say the product works. You've read the testimonials from satisfied customers. You've even seen the results of our internal polling and the results of an independent clinical study. If you're still not 100% convinced that Cholestasys™ can help you normalize your cholesterol levels, then this section is for you.

Below is a short explanation of some key ingredients in Cholestasys™ and their proven benefits (often over centuries of use) in lowering cholesterol and promoting good health.

Guggul is effective because it lowers serum cholesterol and triglycerides. When broken down scientifically, Guggul contains powerful isolates. These isolates are known as Guggulsterones and are very successful in lowering lipid levels. These key Guggulsterone isolates in Cholestasys™ also decrease the "stickiness" of platelets to further help lower your risk of coronary artery disease and strokes.
Niacin is a member of the Vitamin B family, known as vitamin B3. Niacin is a natural cholesterol-lowering agent that alone has been shown to outperform prescription drugs in mild and even moderate cases!
Policosanol is isolated and refined from sugarcane. The active ingredient is octacosanol. Clinical studies have demonstrated policosanol has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and neural-protective properties. Policosanol has been shown in studies to normalize cholesterol as well or better than statin drugs without the negative side effects.
Plant Sterol Complex
Cholestasys™ also contains a potent Plant Sterol Complex! Plant sterols have been shown to lower the bad cholesterol levels by reducing the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol from the gut without side effects.
Cayenne has been revered for thousands of years for its healing powers. We also recognized cayenne's role as a catalyst, which amplifies the benefits of other herbs when synergistically combined. Cayenne has nutritional attributes as well, being rich in vitamins A and C along with the complete B complex. It is also a very good source of organic calcium and potassium, which again benefit the blood and the heart!
Garlic is known to reduce cholesterol as well as defend against bacterial and fungal infections. Garlic contains 40 organic compounds and includes more than 100 bioavailable chemicals! In 1994, Adesh K. Jain, M.D. of the Clinical Research Center at the Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, reported how garlic can lower blood levels of "total cholesterol" and specifically LDL cholesterol (the bad one)!

There is no arguing the effectiveness of each of these individual ingredients. The secret of Cholestasys™ success comes from the proprietary blending of all these ingredients at the molecular level to attack the root cause of High Cholesterol from every direction.

Folks, I can't stress this part enough.

Two products with similar ingredients can differ substantially in effectiveness. Our products are far more than a bunch of mashed together herbs. Cheap, poor quality supplements are virtually useless as they have low effectiveness and will not improve your health.

Our scientists have discovered how to maximize potency and absorption at the molecular level utilizing our proprietary 12 step pharmaceutical-grade blending and extraction process, Nanocellular Technology™. This is what makes our products superior. Don't trust your health to anything less.

NanoCellular Technology™ uses sophisticated nanotechnology to encapsulate the ingredients in cholestasys into micro-sized particles, 1-5 nanometers in diameter, allowing for increased absorption and effectiveness by up to 700%!

FDA Approved Manufacturing Facilities

Every product manufactured for MicroNutra Health™ is done so in an FDA approved facility under "Good Manufacturing Practices" guidelines. These guidelines ensure that every single capsule and pill sold by MicroNutra Health™ is of the highest quality and purest form. We won't trust your health to anything less, and neither should you!

MicroNutra's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Manufacturing Facilities

I've shown you how the product works, given you positive testimonials from happy Cholestasys™ users, shown you the results from independent clinical tests and broken down some of the essential ingredients to help you better understand how they work individually.

The only thing left is for you to decide to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your own health because no one else will. "Health is a Choice" that you must make on your own.

I hope that I've presented the information above clearly enough that you, too, now feel comfortable in making the educated decision for good health. The only thing left to do is present you with our 100% risk-free money back guarantee.

Our Promise to You

I know that Cholestasys™ works. I see it every day in customer re-orders and testimonials. I am so confident that Cholestasys™ will work for you, too, that we offer the best guarantee in the industry.

We guarantee you'll be absolutely thrilled
or we'll reverse your payment like it never happened...

(Literally right up to the last minute of the 90th day, PERIOD!)

I can promise you that Cholestasys™ will . . .

Drop your cholesterol at least 30 points in the first 30 days.
Normalize both your HDL and LDL levels and triglycerides.
Help you to stop worrying and start living again.
Give you more energy and make you feel younger.
Help you sleep better.
Have no negative side-effects.

Your Health is Priceless

A 30-day supply of Cholestasys™ costs less than $2.00 per day at the single bottle price. Most of our customers opt to save even more money by taking advantage of our multi-bottle price break, which allows a significant savings of up to 50%

Either way it's all GUARANTEED!

Compared to everything you stand to lose if you don't make a change right now, $2.00 is just a drop in the bucket. What else can you do for $2.00 that will so greatly affect the quality of your life, your career and your family?

Frequently asked questions

Q: How soon after starting on Cholestasys™ can I expect to see results?
A: We have found that people, like you, who start on Cholestasys™, will experience a noticeable reduction in their cholesterol levels within one to two weeks of starting on the product. Clinical trials have shown normalization of cholesterol levels with prolonged use and a healthy lifestyle.

Q: When starting on the Cholestasys™ can I stop using other medications I am taking?
A: You should continue to take any medications that have been prescribed by your physician. As your cholesterol levels improve, you should inform your physician that you want to reduce or stop the amount of medications you are taking.

Q: Is Cholestasys™ safe?
A: Because Cholestasys™ is made with all-natural ingredients and no harmful steroids, fillers or chemicals, it is absolutely safe to take on a regular basis. As always, consult your physician if you have a concern.

Q: How long does one bottle of Cholestasys™ last?
A: A single bottle of Cholestasys™ has 60 capsules and will last approximately one month.