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Climaxol™ Ships Worldwide

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Information provided by the 2003 Durex Global Sex Survey

You Can Enjoy the Most Pleasure Possible - Naturally!

Climaxol™ Can Help Give You:

  • Women's Sexual Health Support
  • Aphrodisiacs for a Healthy Libido
  • Great Sensitivity and Ability to Climax
  • Improved Energy for Sexual Activity
  • All Natural Ingredients and No Side Effects*

Limited Time Offer: Free Shipping!
We'll send your Climaxol™ FREE to your doorstep when you select our Most Popular Climaxol™ order option before Monday,10/27/08!

Hi, my name is Pauline, and I'm the customer service manager at MicroNutra Health™. I would like to congratulate you for taking the first step to reaching for a real solution for your health.

Nothing is more important than making the right decision when it comes down to YOUR health and quality of life. Let's clarify why Climaxol™ is the correct choice for you.

The Answer is Climaxol™

Climaxol™ is a nutritional matrix formulated to supplement what you don't find in your everyday diet. As part of a healthy lifestyle, the natural nutrition in Climaxol™ can help you revitalize your sex life . . . without negative side effects.* Climaxol™ contains a proprietary blend of natural herbs designed for maximum results.

With Climaxol™ as your female sexual enhancement, you can enjoy:

  • Enhanced sexual pleasure and enjoyment during sex
  • Natural support for your climax and orgasm pleasure
  • More confidence
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Better overall health

Call 1-800-875-0850 now to try Climaxol™ risk-free!

My Secret to Success

One of the most fulfilling aspects of working for Micronutra Health™ comes from the truly life-changing results real customers are seeing every day. I love knowing that people like you and me are able to live the life they want once again simply by using our natural and safe methods. Today Bethanee shares with us the difference Climaxol™ has made in her life.

Satisfied Customer: Bethanee (LA)
February 11, 2008 "It's only the Second Week of Taking Climaxol and
it's Already Making a Huge Difference."
Hi. My name is Bethanee. I started taking Climaxol about two weeks ago. I'm a first-time mother of a beautiful six month boy. After my son, I became very sad all the time and my sex drive went down the drain completely. My fiance and I had this fire in the bedroom before we had our son, and I missed that so much. We started fighting bad about it because it would be weeks, even a month, at a time before we had sex, but Climaxol has changed that. Before Climaxol, the thought of any sexual activity made me roll my eyes because I just didn't want to do anything, but now all it takes is one kiss or a simple touch. We have that fire and passion back that we both missed so much. Not only that, but my stress level has gone way down. I'm happier as well. It's only the second week of taking Climaxol and it's already making a huge difference. I recommend Climaxol to any woman having problems.

The Big Uh- Oh!

Don't live your life without the things you need. Let Climaxol™ help you.

A 2003 Newsweek article estimates a shocking 15-20% of couples are living in a sexless marriage . . . meaning they have sex less than 10 times a year.

Many sexually-frustrated women reassure themselves and their partners that as soon as the big project is finished at work/the kids are off to college/they join the gym and drop ten pounds, things will be back to normal in the bedroom.

Sex is more than a desire . . . it's a biological NEED!

The most common signs of sexual need are:

  • general and escalating irritability
  • overall frustrated feeling with no apparent cause
  • emotional and physical stress
  • extreme increase or decrease in hunger or sleep
  • vivid sexual dreams in both men AND women
  • anger or other unexplainable negative emotions for your partner

Climaxol™ can bring you back to romance, right when you need it.

Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles are filled with more time at work and with the kids than romantic dinners for two. Our hectic schedules leave us with headaches and the notions that we don't have the time or we aren't in the mood.

To the contrary, that's all the more reason to hit the sheets . . . to enjoy a healthy release from all that stress!

Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure - Naturally!

Climaxol™ can help maximize your sexual experience. In addition to the sexual health benefits of Climaxol™, you can enjoy:

  • More confidence . . . Climaxol™ can help you achieve that glow you get only after great sex.
  • Improved energy . . . do you pass out the second you hit the pillow? Climaxol™ can breathe new life between your bedsheets!
  • More closeness . . . men have reported being most attracted to multi-orgasmic women. Imagine what Climaxol™ can do for your relationship!

All-Natural Formula for Guaranteed Success or Your Money Back!

The proprietary blend of essential natural herbs in Climaxol™ is the key to your success. The herbs in Climaxol™ have been scientifically recognized for their amazing health benefits.

We have carefully chosen the ingredient, black cohosh, in Climaxol™ for its natural effectiveness and purity to bring you guaranteed success - or your money back!
Black Cohosh has been shown to decrease vaginal dryness and atrophy. It also reduces anxiety and depression.

View the Supplement Facts Sheet Here »

cGMP Manufacturing and Packaging Facilities

The FDA and the National Council Against Health Fraud recommend you check for these practices before you buy:

  • Is the product manufactured under cGMP guidelines?
  • Is the product advertised using the health claims allowed by the FDA?
  • Is the product manufactured in a FDA-registered food supplement facility?

MicroNutra Health™ products are manufactured and packaged under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration current Good Manufacturing Practices, or cGMP. Our food supplement facilities are FDA-registered and our product claims conform to rigorous FDA standards.

Enjoy Sex Again-Naturally!

Climaxol™ can help you improve your sexual pleasure, without negative side effects.* The following natural herbs are all contained in Climaxol™!

  • Red clover isoflavones
  • Black cohosh isoflavones
  • Cernitin

These natural herbs can help improve your sexual pleasure and intercourse. With our proprietary blend, you can experience maximum results naturally without negative side effects, guaranteed or your money back!

Did You Know?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 74.6% of Americans are turning to Complementary and Alternative Medicine to achieve vibrant health. If you are one of
these people . . . you have come to the right place!

When it Comes to Your Health

We all know health care in the U.S. is excellent . . . and expensive. Health care spending in 2007 skyrocketed to $2.3 trillion (that's $2,300,000,000,000.00!), or $7600 per person.

So what if you, like 47 million Americans, can't afford it? Or, like a growing number of Americans, you are taking your health into your own hands?

Most health care dollars spent today deal with the devastating health effects of preventable lifestyle factors, like:

  • Eating the Standard American Diet of processed, boxed, chemical-laden, refined, fast, and junk foods
  • Severe nutrient deficiencies as a result of this diet
  • Little physical activity
  • Toxins surrounding us in our carpet, cosmetic products, cleaning products, food and drink products, water, air, and more
  • Frequently high stress levels

Does this sound like your life? Then you need to know that you can actually save yourself thousands of dollars and enjoy vibrant health and energy for years to come . . . starting now.

We at MicroNutra Health™ believe health care should encompass the whole person, addressing the root cause instead of just the symptoms. MicroNutra Health™ products are the perfect addition to a healthy lifestyle, providing your body with the tools it needs to help you enjoy youthful energy and finally experience the true meaning of health care.

It's Time to Invest in Your Healthy Future . . .

A serving of Climaxol™ costs less than a cup of coffee at the single package price. Most of our customers opt to save even more money by taking advantage of our multi-package price break, which allows a significant savings of up to 33%.

Either way it's all guaranteed!*

What else can you do that will so greatly affect the quality of your life?

Our Promise to You

I can promise you that Climaxol™ . . .

  • Enhances sexual pleasure and enjoyment during sex
  • Naturally supports your climax and orgasm pleasure
  • Increases energy for sexual activity
  • Improves self-esteem and confidence
  • Promotes better overall health

I know that Climaxol™ works. I see it every day in customer reorders and testimonials. I am so confident that Climaxol™ will work for you too that we offer one of the best guarantees in the industry.

*We guarantee you'll be absolutely thrilled
or your money back . . .

A 90-Day Promise.
(Literally right up to the last minute of the 90th day, period! Please see our return policy.)

Frequently Asked Questions

We encourage you to call us at 1-800-875-0850 if you have any questions about Climaxol™ that we haven't addressed below.

Q: How safe is Climaxol™?

A: Because Climaxol™ is made with all-natural ingredients and no harmful fillers, steroids, or chemicals, it is safe to take on a regular basis. As always, consult your health practitioner if you have a concern.

Q: Why should I try Climaxol™?

A: You should try Climaxol™ if you want natural support for your climax and orgasm pleasure. Climaxol™ is designed for women's sexual health so they can live with the sexual pleasure and enjoyment they crave.

Q: How often do I take Climaxol™?

A: Take as directed on the label. Many individuals may opt to increase their intake depending on their weight. Consult your health practitioner if you have any concerns.

Dear Valued Customer, MicroNutra Health™ has been merged both assets and operation with IonX Holdings™ Inc. Your selected product formula has not changed and will continue to work for you now as it has in the past. We have updated the protocols and website information. All marketing materials, including labels and brochures have changed and will continue to change to meet The Food & Drug Administration guidelines. Please call 1-800-875-0850 if you have any questions.

MicroNutra Health™ is not a medical site and is not intended to offer medical advice. MicroNutra Health™ urges you to consult your health care provider for proper diagnosis. You should consult your health care provider prior to taking any dietary supplement. Climaxol™ should be taken as part of a healthy lifestyle. The content of these images are not meant to suggest that the people depicted use or endorse our products or services. All testimonials are from real customers. Testimonials may be edited for length and to meet FDA compliance guidelines. Names may be changed to protect the privacy of our customers. Climaxol™ is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), Urogenital Atrophy (UGA), or Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) or symptoms including hormonal changes, depression, or genital thinning. Climaxol™ should not be confused with prescription drugs including Tamoxifen, Intrinsa, or Zyban. FedEx® service marks are used by permission. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the prior written permission of IonX Holdings™ Inc., or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.