Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence: Frequently Asked Questions
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What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the term used to refer to the inability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to successfully complete sexual intercourse. Every man will experience an erectile failure throughout his life, and it is only when these failures become a regular occurrence that a diagnosis of ED is given.
At What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction Start Affecting Men? Is It a Normal Part of Aging?
Erectile dysfunction can occur at any time and at any age of a man’s life. In younger men, the origin is thought to be predominantly psychological. In older men, physical reasons are more likely the cause.
One study has shown ED to be present in the lives of 40 percent of 40 year old men, and 70 percent of 70 year old men. Erectile dysfunction does not have to be part of growing older. While older men may require more stimulation, they should still remain capable of producing and maintaining and erection suitable for enjoyable sex.
Can Erectile Dysfunction, or Impotence, Be Prevented?
Personal behavior can put someone at risk of developing ED. Drinking too much for example, is a personal choice that can be avoided to decrease the risk of impotence. Other physical causes may not be preventable however.
How is mild vs. Severe ED Determined?
Erectile dysfunction that is defined as mild may be when an erection is achieved, but firmness is not satisfactory. Sever dysfunction describes the situation where the ability to get an erection isn’t possible at all.
How Successful Are Medications Such as Viagra at Treating ED in Diabetics?
Pharmaceutical drugs are generally successful when it comes to ED. A little less than half achieve the desired results, but it does not work for the other half. Medications like this can also be very harmful to the body, and side effects are often not worth the risk.
Does Insurance Cover ED Treatment?
If a previous medical condition can be documented and proven to be causing ED, sometimes insurance companies will cover a small portion of treatment. Other than that, most insurance companies will not consider paying for your medications or treatments.
What Factors Are Likely To Cause ED?
Certain diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and artherosclerosis contribute to impotence in men. Radiation treatments and surgeries involving the prostate are also factors. In certain cases, some medications can cause the erectile dysfunction.
Large alcohol intake, hormonal changes or obstruction in circulation are all things that may contribute to or cause erectile dysfunction at any time of a man’s life.
How Is Erectile Dysfunction Treated?
Erectile dysfunction has several treatment options. Oral prescription drugs, attending sex therapy, penile injections and even surgery are all available. Surgery and injections as well as prescription medications all carry significant risks, and pose a potentially greater threat to the body.
Provigro ™ and other natural products work to balance the immune system and increase circulation, which is the most predominant cause of impotence. Be sure to talk to you doctor before taking any medications or investing in any surgeries.